Saturday, 19 December 2009

Fire Hose Gallery opens!

Season's greetings folks. Is it all snowy where you are? Here in Bristol, there is no snow. Just cold.

Got some photos from the opening of the Fire Hose Gallery which happened a while ago. Drawing & Applied Arts were exhibiting in our space, and us in theirs. Their work had the honour of being the first in the gallery. More'll be installed in the new year.

There's some photos of work from some of the other courses which was also installed around the uni.

Tuesday, 8 December 2009

Exhibition Match

As part of a motion to get all the Junior Fellows working together.

Kerry + Kevin + DO

We are soon to be collaborating with Kerry + Kevin, which an initiative to establish a cross-participatory project between Kerry and 41 Kevins. Kerry is Laura Parke.

From Kerry + Kevin:

You're not Squash

Collectively we are joining a selection of activity based social groups, allowing us to meet new people, become part of a team and keep fit.

Thursday 10/12/09
We have been warmly welcomed by Trish Machin to attend our first Scottish dancing lesson in St. Monica's hall, Bristol from 7.30 - 10.00 p.m. No kilts are needed for the first lesson.

We are both looking forward to finding out who and what we are.

Dylan helped out Laura with the site, he enjoyed it.

Olie Down / Dylan Up

Olie's website has gone down.
This is due to hosting service problems.
It is unfortunate for all concerned.
He will be back shortly.

Dylan has updated.
He has finally added colour to some text.
He is having withdrawals from the lack of grey.
New posters and things.

The Print Exchange

Sent the emails out this week to selected universities.

We will keep you posted as people get back to us.

Click the image to view it larger.

More info on the way.

Sorry for the lack of updates recently. We've both been super busy.

Coming soon.